Graeme Yeandle’s Text Adventure Page

"Once in a while, a product comes along to revolutionise the whole microcomputer scene. The Quill is one such, and will change the face of microcomputer adventure." Micro Adventurer Nov 1983.

History of The Quill and PAW.

Interview with Jacob Gunness

An article about the Quill

Text Adventures

The following text adventures (in order of difficulty), originally written for the Sinclair Spectrum, are available. E-mail me if you'd like to try them.

  • Ticket is a very simple adventure (5k).
  • Timeline is the first adventure I wrote (6k).
  • Magic Castle is a slightly more difficult adventure (9k).
  • Tewk is a demo adventure (8k).

    To run any of these you will need any IBM compatible PC and the Adventure Interpreter.

    PC Adventure Writer (PAW)

    If you want to try writing your own text adventure games you can try PC Adventure Writer which includes the Adventure Interpreter and the source code for Ticket and Tewk. There are two manuals to accompany PAW, the Introduction, which includes instructions on writing Ticket and the Technical Guide. Frequently Asked Questions

    Tips for adventure writers.